Bible Reading Podcast

Bible Reading Podcast

Week 4, Day 5 — Genesis 47-48

Series: 2024 Bible Reading

And now, a minute with the Word…

Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, and Benjamin — these are the twelve sons of Jacob (or Israel), from whom would spring the twelve tribes of Israel. When the promised land was later divided among the tribes, Levi’s inheritance was dispersed in 48 cities, scattered amongst the other tribes; but where was the land for the tribe of Joseph? Genesis 48 provides the answer — Jacob said to Joseph, “And now your two sons…are mine; Ephraim and Manasseh shall be mine, as Reuben and Simeon are” (verse 5). Jacob promoted Ephraim and Manasseh to “sonship” for the purpose of inheritance, making theirs the names by which Joseph’s tribe would henceforth be known.

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How Can I Be Saved?
Hear - Romans 10:17
Believe - Hebrews 11:6
Repent - Acts 2:38
Confess - Romans 10:9
Be Baptized - 1 Peter 3:21
Live Faithfully - Revelation 2:10

We Would Love to Study!
We see it as our purpose to teach others the good news of Jesus Christ. Please contact us if you would like to study the Bible together or would like more information about our congregation.