Bible Reading Podcast
Week 51, Day 1 — Esther 7-8
Series: 2024 Bible ReadingAnd now, a minute with the word…
Haman had devised a plot where he was going to hang Mordecai because of hatred (Esther 5.9-14). He built the gallows where the hanging was to take place, and was waiting for the time to take his revenge. However, Esther intervened and brought the plot to the king’s attention. The very thing that Haman had planned to use to get his revenge on Mordecai became the cause of his death. Revenge is never an attitude or goal that the Christian should have. We should not be in the business of trying to get people back because of how they have treated us, or trying to tear others down so that we can rise to the top. If we feel someone has done us wrong, we are turn the proverbial cheek (Matthew 5.39-40). We are to leave the vengeance to God, and instead do good to those who would harm us or take advantage of us (Romans 12.17-21). All of the deeds of men will be brought to light on the day of judgment; let’s let God, the perfect judge, handle those who would malign and mistreat us (2 Corinthians 5.10, Ecclesiastes 12.14).