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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
02/25/24 God Is Light Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday AM jp022524a.mp3
02/25/24 Devoted to Peace (Ephesians 4.3) Jeremy Paschall A church with Purpose Sunday PM jp022524b.mp3 20240225_Devoted_to_PEACE_Ephesians_4.3.pdf
02/18/24 The Glory of the Lord (Exodus 40.34) Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday AM jp021824a.mp3 20240218_The_Glory_of_the_Lord.pdf
02/18/24 “Devoted to One Another” — Local church membership (Acts 9.26-28) Jeremy Paschall A church with Purpose Sunday PM jp021824b.mp3 20240218_Local_church_membership.pdf
02/11/24 The Ten Commandments (2) Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday PM jp021124b.mp3 20240211_Ten_Commandments_2.pdf
02/11/24 The Ten Commandments (1) Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday AM jp021124a.mp3 20240211_Ten_Commandments_1.pdf
02/04/24 The Providence of God Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday AM jp020424a.mp3
02/04/24 Devoted to One Another (Romans 12.10) Jeremy Paschall A church with Purpose Sunday PM jp020424b.mp3 20240204_Devoted_to_One_Another.pdf
01/28/24 Overcoming Temptation (Genesis 39) Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday PM jp012824b.mp3 20240128_Overcoming_Temptation.pdf
01/28/24 Confronting Our Confession (Matthew 16.13-27) Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday AM jp012824a.mp3 20240128_Confronting_Our_Confession.pdf
01/21/24 The Consequences of Error (1 Corinthians 15) Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday PM jp012124b.mp3 20240121_Consequences_of_Error.pdf
01/21/24 Where’s Your Focus? (Genesis 19.23-26) Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday AM jp012124a.mp3 20240114_Wheres_Your_Focus_Genesis_19.23-26.pdf
01/14/24 Despising Our Birthright (Genesis 25.34) Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday PM jp011424b.mp3 20240114_Despising_Our_Birthright_Gen_25.34.pdf
01/14/24 A Great High Priest Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday AM jp011424a.mp3
01/07/24 Beginnings of the Gospel Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday AM jp010724a.mp3 20240107_Beginnings_of_the_Gospel.pdf
01/07/24 Devoted to the Lord (2 Corinthians 8.5) Jeremy Paschall A church with Purpose Sunday PM jp010724b.mp3 20240107_Devoted_to_the_Lord_2Cor_8.5.pdf
12/31/23 The Lord Is My Refuge Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday PM jp123123.mp3
12/24/23 A Church With Purpose Todd Walker A church with Purpose Sunday PM tw122423.mp3
12/24/23 The Book of Life Ben Allen N/A Sunday AM ba122423.mp3
12/17/23 Revealing Revelation Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday AM jp121723a.mp3 20231217_Revealing_Revelation.pdf
12/17/23 Why Should We Study the Old Testament? Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday PM jp121723b.mp3 20231217_Why_Should_We_Study_the_Old_Testament.pdf
12/10/23 Christ Among the Lampstands (Revelation 1-3) Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday PM jp121023b.mp3 20231210_Christ_Among_the_Lampstands_Rev_1-3.pdf
12/10/23 The Power of Hope Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday AM jp121023a.mp3 20231210_The_Power_of_Hope.pdf
12/03/23 Own Your OUTCOME (1 Peter 1.3-5) Jeremy Paschall Own It! Sunday PM jp120323b.mp3 20231203_Own_Your_OUTCOME_1_Peter_1.3-5.pdf
12/03/23 Implications of Our Fellowship with God (1 John 1.5-7) Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday AM jp120323a.mp3 20231203_Implications_of_Our_Fellowship_with_God_1Jn_1.5-7.pdf

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How Can I Be Saved?
Hear - Romans 10:17
Believe - Hebrews 11:6
Repent - Acts 2:38
Confess - Romans 10:9
Be Baptized - 1 Peter 3:21
Live Faithfully - Revelation 2:10

We Would Love to Study!
We see it as our purpose to teach others the good news of Jesus Christ. Please contact us if you would like to study the Bible together or would like more information about our congregation.