Bulletin articles

Bulletin articles

Victory in Jesus

You have just found your seat on the plane and are ready to take off. An older lady appears in the aisle and then sits next to you. She explains that she is nervous as she has never flown before. With compassion and kind words, you are able to assure her the trip will be just fine.

The plane takes off into the sky. Suddenly, the plane experiences some turbulence. The lady is frightened, yet once again you are able to calm her down and assure her that she will be okay. An individual who was once nervous and scared can become calm and confident with assurance from another.

In Judges 6, we are introduced to Gideon. Gideon is seen as a self-doubting, fearful individual. However, Gideon will play a role in God’s plan of deliverance for His people.

In Judges 7, God whittled down Gideon’s army from 32,000 to 300 men. The LORD assured Gideon that He will deliver him. That same night, God told Gideon to go to the enemy’s camp, for they would be delivered to Gideon. However, God also said “if you are afraid to go down, go with Purah your servant down to the camp, and you will hear what they say; and afterward your hands will be strengthened that you may go down against the camp” (Judges 7:10-11). Gideon, being afraid, does the second option.

Once Gideon got to the camp, he overheard a conversation between two friends. One friend was telling the other about a dream he had. In verse 14, the friend’s interpretation of the dream is “this is nothing less than the sword of Gideon the son of Joash, a man of Israel; God has given Midian and all the camp into his hand.” Once Gideon heard this, he bowed in worship and was ready to take his small army to battle so that God could provide the victory. God transformed Gideon from a frightened, self-doubter into a confident, “valiant warrior” by giving him assurance of the victory.

God grants confidence and assurance to His people. He has already won the victory.
At times, we may feel afraid or confused; but we can be confident because God has already won! We may feel like giving into temptations or giving up to the opposition; we must remember God has already won! We may feel depressed or doubtful because of various trials; but we can be assured because God has already won and is in control!

Paul assures us by saying, “Death is swallowed up in victory. O Death, where is your victory? O Death, where is your sting?” (1 Cor 15:55). Jesus conquered sin and death. God has given us the ultimate victory! “Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Cor 15:57). We can be confident and have assurance because God has already won!

How Can I Be Saved?
Hear - Romans 10:17
Believe - Hebrews 11:6
Repent - Acts 2:38
Confess - Romans 10:9
Be Baptized - 1 Peter 3:21
Live Faithfully - Revelation 2:10

We Would Love to Study!
We see it as our purpose to teach others the good news of Jesus Christ. Please contact us if you would like to study the Bible together or would like more information about our congregation.

  1. Gospel meeting, with Phil Morgan
  2. Sun AM Worship
    3/16/25 09:00am
  3. Sun AM Bible Study
    3/16/25 09:50am
  4. Sun AM Worship*
    3/16/25 10:45am
  5. Wed PM Bible Study
    3/19/25 07:00pm
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