Bible Reading Podcast
Colossians 3
Series: 2023 Bible ReadingAnd now, a minute with the Word…
Colossians chapter 3 is all about putting on the new character when we become a child of God. We should no longer have characteristics like anger, malice, or slander. We should put on characteristics like kindness, humility, and patience. This will change how we interact with those around us. Wives will submit to their husbands; instead of being harsh with their wives, husbands will love and cherish them. As you work for someone/a company, you will not work as one who is trying to get away with as little as possible, but you will give it your best effort and work as if you are working for God. Time and time again through the NT, we see in these letters that once we become Christians, we should not be the same person that we used to be. The gospel is God’s power to salvation (Romans 1.16) and all scripture is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness (2 Timothy 3.16).