Bible Reading Podcast
Luke 24
Series: 2023 Bible ReadingAnd now, a minute with the Word…
The mindset and attitude of the apostles goes from one extreme to the other in this chapter. After Jesus’ death and burial, their hope is shattered. When the women return from the tomb and tell them about what they saw/didn’t see at Jesus’ tomb, the apostles consider what they are hearing as nonsense. They saw Jesus dead, hanging on the cross. They know he was buried in a tomb. Then, while they are gathered together in a room in Jerusalem, Jesus appears to them. They think they are seeing a spirit and are terrified. Jesus explains the scriptures to them and gives them their next directives. After Jesus ascends into Heaven they return to Jerusalem with great joy and are continually praising God in the temple (Luke 24.52-53). The resurrection of Jesus revived their hope; it provided them with great joy and led to them continually praising God! Are we that way? Does the resurrection of Jesus (and the future prospect of our own resurrection at the end of time - 1 Corinthians 15) give us great joy? Does it lead to us continually praising God? If not, let us examine ourselves and resolve to be a thankful, grateful people and praise our wonderful God!