Bible Reading Podcast

Bible Reading Podcast

Acts 21

Series: 2023 Bible Reading

And now, a minute with the Word…

Upon Paul’s arrival in Jerusalem, why did he consent to participate in a Jewish vow, purification, and offering? Paul himself answers: “I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win the more; and to the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might win Jews; to those who are under the law, as under the law, that I might win those who are under the law . . . I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some” (1 Corinthians 9.19, 20, 22). “And I will very gladly spend and be spent for your souls” (2 Corinthians 12.15). We should ask ourselves, how much will we sacrifice for others’ spiritual good?

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How Can I Be Saved?
Hear - Romans 10:17
Believe - Hebrews 11:6
Repent - Acts 2:38
Confess - Romans 10:9
Be Baptized - 1 Peter 3:21
Live Faithfully - Revelation 2:10

We Would Love to Study!
We see it as our purpose to teach others the good news of Jesus Christ. Please contact us if you would like to study the Bible together or would like more information about our congregation.