Bible Reading Podcast
Matthew 13
Series: 2023 Bible ReadingAnd now, a minute with the Word…
Which soil am I really? Am I truly the good soil? What good fruit am I producing? Am I more like the thorny soil? Have I received the gospel but been too busy with the cares of this world to be fruitful? Am I wheat or a weed? If Jesus sent His angels today to separate the righteous from the lawless, what would be my fate? Am I a weed that has simply surrounded itself with wheat two days a week? How valuable is being a part of God’s Kingdom? Would I or have I given up anything and everything to be in the kingdom of heaven? In his hometown Jesus was rejected. He did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief. Look back at the miracles of healing covered earlier in Matthew. Notice how often Jesus emphasizes a person’s faith as the reason they are miraculously healed. Maybe I used to think miracles increased the faith of those that witnessed them. That might not be accurate. Many of Jesus’ miracles were the result or outcome or reward for a person’s faith, instead of the other way around. What does this mean for me and my faith?