Bible Reading Podcast
Week 6, Day 5 — Exodus 25-27
Series: 2024 Bible ReadingAnd now, a minute with the Word…
The Tabernacle built by the Israelites in the OT was constructed using materials that were offered willingly by the people (Exodus 25.2). It was a willing sacrifice so that God could dwell among His people and they with Him. This hits home for me living in the 21st century. Sure, there is no literal structure that is God’s dwelling place today, but do I still not make a willing sacrifice so that I can dwell with God one day? I am not to be conformed to this age, but be transformed (Romans 12.1-2). I am to put aside my former way of life and put on the new self, the one created according to God’s likeness in righteousness (Ephesians 4.22-24). If I choose to sacrifice myself willingly to God and His will, then there is waiting for me a home in heaven and a dwelling place with God (Revelation 21.1-4). That is a wonderful thought.