Bible Reading Podcast
Week 16, Day 5 — A minute with the Word
Series: 2024 Bible ReadingAnd now, a minute with the word…
When Israel was entering the land of Canaan, they were commanded by God to completely drive out all of the inhabitants of the land. God knew that these nations were not going to serve Him; He knew how ungodly and unholy they were and that mixing up company with them would just take His people further away from Him. Israel did a pretty good job of driving out the inhabitants, but they fell short. The last verse of chapter 15 is one of the few examples we have read recently of Israel allowing some of the people to stay in the land. While this might not have seemed like a very big deal at that time, we can read how big of a negative impact it made on the holiness of Israel in the future.
Satan wants us to believe that a “little” disobedience to God is not a big deal. He wants us to believe that we can satisfy our own fleshly desires, let sin mingle in our lives, and we will still be okay. Let’s take a lesson from the Israelites and completely purify ourselves, completely drive out the sin from our lives, so that we can remain God’s holy, pure people.