Bible Reading Podcast
Week 30, Day 2 — A minute with the Word
Series: 2024 Bible ReadingAnd now, a minute with the word…
The legacy of King of Joash is ultimately a sad one. He had done so much to repair the wickedness that his father and grandmother had brought to the kingdom of Judah. However, when Jehoiada died, Joash abandoned the Lord and began serving the same idols that his father and grandmother had. He refused to listen to the prophets that God sent to him, and he even went so far as to kill the son of Jehoiada because he rebuked Joash for abandoning the Lord to serve idols. In Joash, we see the importance of making our faith our own. We must develop the heart to serve God wholly and with a cheerful heart, not because that’s what our grandparents, parents, or others want from us, but it’s because it’s our own will that wants to serve God. My encouragement to all of us is to continue to work on making our faith personal, and strive to cultivate a heart that wants to serve and follow God faithfully all the days of our lives.