Bible Reading Podcast

Bible Reading Podcast

Week 39, Day 4 — Isaiah 64-66

Series: 2024 Bible Reading

And now, a minute with the Word…

Some years ago, a supposed scholar wrote that he found himself unable to worship such a God as the Old Testament depicts, i.e. seeing God of the OT as one of law and wrath, contrasted with God of the NT as one of grace and love. In truth, however, the Lord does not change (Malachi 3.6), rather He is “the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13.8). While indeed “grace and truth came through Jesus Christ” (John 1.17), these are actually the ultimate expression of the Lord’s existing gracious and merciful nature. Do you require evidence? Read again from Isaiah 65.1-5 — “I was ready to be sought by those who did not ask for me; I was ready to be found by those who did not seek me…”

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How Can I Be Saved?
Hear - Romans 10:17
Believe - Hebrews 11:6
Repent - Acts 2:38
Confess - Romans 10:9
Be Baptized - 1 Peter 3:21
Live Faithfully - Revelation 2:10

We Would Love to Study!
We see it as our purpose to teach others the good news of Jesus Christ. Please contact us if you would like to study the Bible together or would like more information about our congregation.