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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
03/02/25 “Add to Your Faith” (2 Peter 1.5) Jeremy Paschall Make Your Calling and Election Sure Sunday PM jp030225b.mp3 20250302_Add_to_Your_Faith.pdf
03/02/25 Knowing God (Psalm 19; John 1) Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday AM jp030225a.mp3 20250302_Knowing_God.pdf
02/23/25 Sin Doesn’t Work Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday AM jp022325a.mp3 20250223_Sin_Doesnt_Work.pdf
02/23/25 Meet the Minor Prophets: Malachi Jeremy Paschall Meet the Minor Prophets Sunday PM jp022325b.mp3 20250223_Malachi.pdf
02/16/25 Jesus and the Thief Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday PM jp021625b.mp3
02/16/25 Imprecatory Psalms Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday AM jp021625a.mp3 20250216_Imprecatory_Psalms.pdf
02/09/25 Precious Gifts of God Ted Bleicher N/A Sunday PM tb020925.mp3
02/09/25 Wearing The Name Christian Ben Allen N/A Sunday AM ba020925.mp3
02/02/25 Applying All Diligence (2 Peter 1.5) Jeremy Paschall Make Your Calling and Election Sure Sunday PM jp020225b.mp3 20250202_Applying_All_Diligence.pdf
02/02/25 A Little Leaven Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday AM jp020225a.mp3 20250202_A_Little_Leaven.pdf
01/26/25 Christian? Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday PM jp012625b.mp3 20250126_Christian.pdf
01/26/25 Meet the Minor Prophets: Zechariah Jeremy Paschall Meet the Minor Prophets Sunday AM jp012625a.mp3 20250126_Zechariah.pdf
01/19/25 Meet the Minor Prophets: Haggai Jeremy Paschall Meet the Minor Prophets Sunday PM jp011925b.mp3 20250119_Haggai.pdf
01/19/25 Introduction to Psalm 119 Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday AM jp011925a.mp3 20250119_Psalm_119.pdf
01/12/25 Solomon’s Wisdom (Proverbs 1-9) Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday AM jp011225a.mp3 20250112_Solomons_Wisdom.pdf
01/12/25 Partakers of the Divine Nature (2 Peter 1.3-4) Jeremy Paschall Make Your Calling and Election Sure Sunday PM jp011225b.mp3 20250105_Partakers_of_the_Divine_Nature.pdf
01/06/25 There is Power in the Blood Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday PM jp010525b.mp3
01/05/25 Meet the Minor Prophets: Obadiah Jeremy Paschall Meet the Minor Prophets Sunday AM jp010525a.mp3 20250105_Obadiah.pdf
12/29/24 Make Your Calling and Election Sure (2 Peter 1.10) Jeremy Paschall Make Your Calling and Election Sure Sunday PM jp122924.mp3 20241229_Make_Your_Calling_and_Election_Sure.pdf
12/22/24 Soldier of God Ted Bleicher N/A Sunday PM tb122224.mp3
12/22/24 Thinking of Heaven (Revelation 21.4) Kyle Turner N/A Sunday AM kt122224.mp3 Thinking_of_Heaven_-_December_22_2024.key
12/15/24 Developing Elders Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday PM jp121524b.mp3 20241215_Developing_Elders.pdf
12/15/24 Meet the Minor Prophets: Zephaniah Jeremy Paschall Meet the Minor Prophets Sunday AM jp121524a.mp3 20241215_Zephaniah.pdf
12/08/24 When We Are Strong John Turk II N/A Sunday AM jt120824.mp3
12/08/24 Devoted to EXCELLENCE (Proverbs 3.9) Jeremy Paschall A church with Purpose Sunday PM jp120824.mp3 20241208_Devoted_to_Excellence.pdf

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How Can I Be Saved?
Hear - Romans 10:17
Believe - Hebrews 11:6
Repent - Acts 2:38
Confess - Romans 10:9
Be Baptized - 1 Peter 3:21
Live Faithfully - Revelation 2:10

We Would Love to Study!
We see it as our purpose to teach others the good news of Jesus Christ. Please contact us if you would like to study the Bible together or would like more information about our congregation.