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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
06/02/24 Treasure in Jars of Clay Ted Bleicher N/A Sunday AM tb060224.mp3
06/02/24 Devoted to EDIFICATION (Ephesians 4.16) Jeremy Paschall A church with Purpose Sunday PM jp060224.mp3 20240602_Devoted_to_Edification.pdf
05/26/24 The Why of Christian Life Thomas Bowling N/A Sunday AM thb052624.mp3
05/26/24 Temptation’s Progressive Nature Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday PM jp052624.mp3 20240512_Temptations_Progressive_Nature.pdf
05/19/24 A Successful Life Nick Paden N/A Sunday AM np051924.mp3
05/19/24 Congregational Discipline, Why? Jeremy Paschall A church with Purpose Sunday PM jp051924.mp3 20240519_Congregational_Discipline_Why.pdf
05/12/24 The Name of The Lord Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday PM jp051224.mp3
05/12/24 Abigail - The Lamb Who Tamed The Lion Ted Bleicher N/A Sunday AM tb051224.mp3
05/07/24 Two Men Who Prayed John Turk II N/A Sunday AM jt050524.mp3
05/05/24 I AM is Greater Than AI Todd Walker N/A Sunday PM tw050524.mp3
04/28/24 Nipper The Dog Art Bleicher N/A Sunday AM ab042824.mp3
04/28/24 Devoted to Discipline (1 Thessalonians 5.14) Jeremy Paschall A church with Purpose Sunday PM jp042824.mp3 20240428_Devoted_to_Discipline.pdf
04/21/24 Distinguishing Between Individual and Church Work Ben Allen N/A Sunday PM ba042124.mp3
04/21/24 People of Remembrance Kyle Turner N/A Sunday AM kt042124.mp3
04/14/24 The Greatest Story Ever Conceived, Written, and Told Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday PM jp041424b.mp3
04/14/24 Secret and Revealed Things (Deuteronomy 29.29) Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday AM jp041424a.mp3 20240414_Secret_and_Revealed_Things.pdf
04/07/24 The Days of Creation (Genesis 1) Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday AM jp040724a.mp3 Days_of_Creation_full_outline.pdf Days_of_Creation.pdf
04/07/24 Devoted to Purity (1 Thessalonians 4.7) Jeremy Paschall A church with Purpose Sunday PM jp040724b.mp3 20240407_Devoted_to_Purity_1_Th_4.7.pdf
03/31/24 Foundations of Hope Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday PM jp033124.mp3 20240331_Foundations_of_Hope.pdf
03/24/24 Remember Balaam (Numbers 22-24) Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday AM jp032424a.mp3 20240324_Remember_Balaam.pdf
03/24/24 "Let Us Not Grow Weary" (Galatians 6.9) Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday PM jp032424b.mp3 20240324_Let_Us_Not_Grow_Weary.pdf
03/17/24 Agreement With God (Numbers 13-14) Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday PM jp031724b.mp3 20240317_Agreement_With_God_Numbers_13-14.pdf
03/17/24 Learning from Leviticus Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday AM jp031724a.mp3 20240317_Learning_from_Leviticus.pdf
03/03/24 Where Are You Walking Bruce Carpenter N/A Sunday AM bc030324.mp3
03/03/24 Fight The Good Fight Nick Paden N/A Sunday PM np030324.mp3

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How Can I Be Saved?
Hear - Romans 10:17
Believe - Hebrews 11:6
Repent - Acts 2:38
Confess - Romans 10:9
Be Baptized - 1 Peter 3:21
Live Faithfully - Revelation 2:10

We Would Love to Study!
We see it as our purpose to teach others the good news of Jesus Christ. Please contact us if you would like to study the Bible together or would like more information about our congregation.