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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
05/07/23 Own Your BURDENS (Galatians 6.5) Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday PM jp050723b.mp3 20230507_Own_Your_BURDENS_Galatians_6.5.pdf
05/07/23 Others Are Listening (Acts 16.25) Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday AM jp050723a.mp3 20230507_Others_Are_Listening_Acts_16.25.pdf
04/30/23 Own Your Stewardship: TIME (Ephesians 5.16) Jeremy Paschall Own It! Sunday PM jp043023.mp3 Own_Your_Stewardship_-_TIME_Ephesians_5.16.pdf
04/24/23 The Grace Of God Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday PM jp042323b.mp3
04/23/23 It Is Always Right To Do Right (Acts 4-8) Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday AM jp042323a.mp3 20230423_It_Is_Always_Right_To_Do_Right.pdf
04/16/23 Don't Be A Thief (Ecclesiastes 5.1-11) Kyle Turner N/A Sunday AM kt041623.mp3
04/09/23 Own Your Stewardship: TALENTS (Matthew 25.14-30) Jeremy Paschall Own It! Sunday PM jp040923b.mp3 Own_Your_Stewardship-_TALENTS_Matthew_25.14-30.pdf
04/09/23 The Rich Young Ruler (Luke 18.18-23) Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday AM jp040923a.mp3 20230409_The_Rich_Young_Ruler_Luke_18.18-23.pdf
04/02/23 Own Your STEWARDSHIP (1 Peter 4.10) Jeremy Paschall Own It! Sunday PM jp040223b.mp3 20230402_Own_Your_STEWARDSHIP_1_Peter_4.10.pdf
04/02/23 Lessons from the Dead (Luke 16.19-31) Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday AM jp040223a.mp3 20230402_Lessons_from_the_Dead_Luke_16.19-31.pdf
03/26/23 Set Your Face Toward Jerusalem (Luke 9.51) Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday PM jp032623b.mp3 20230326_Set_Your_Face_Toward_Jerusalem_Luke_9.51.pdf
03/26/23 Naaman’s Little Servant Girl (2 Kings 5.1-3) Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday AM jp032623a.mp3 20230326_Naamans_Little_Servant_Girl_2_Kings_5.1-3.pdf
03/19/23 Raising Your Children Kyle Turner N/A Sunday AM kt031923.mp3
03/19/23 Digging Deep (Luke 6.46-49) Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday PM jp031923.mp3 20230319_Digging_Deep_Luke_6.46-49.pdf
03/05/23 Own Your CALLING (Ephesians 4.1) Jeremy Paschall Own It! Sunday PM jp030523.mp3 20230305_Own_Your_CALLING_Ephesians_4.1.pdf
03/05/23 LIFE Choices (1 John 5.12) David Couse N/A Sunday AM dc030523.mp3 20230305_LIFE_Choices_David_Couse.pdf
02/26/23 Word Power (Hebrews 4.12) Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday AM jp022623a.mp3 20230226_Word_Power_Hebrews_4.12.pdf
02/26/23 Looking at the Lord’s Supper (1 Corinthians 11.23-30) Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday PM jp022623b.mp3 20230226_Looking_at_the_Lords_Supper_1_Corinthians_11.23-30.pdf
02/19/23 Where Is God Nick Hall N/A Sunday AM nh021923.mp3
02/19/23 Saints, Lift Your Voices Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday PM jp021923.mp3 20230219_Saints_Lift_Your_Voices.pdf
02/12/23 Improving Our Worship (Nehemiah 8.1-9) Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday PM jp021223b.mp3 20230212_Improving_Our_Worship_Nehemiah_8.1-9.pdf
02/12/23 Beware of the Lions Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday AM jp021223a.mp3 20230212_Beware_of_the_Lions.pdf
02/05/23 The Heart Of David Bruce Carpenter N/A Sunday AM bc020523.mp3
02/05/23 Own Your WORSHIP (John 4.24) Jeremy Paschall Own It! Sunday PM jp020523.mp3 20230205_Own_Your_WORSHIP_John_4.24.pdf
01/29/23 Five Views of Mark 16.16 Jeremy Paschall N/A Sunday PM jp012923.mp3 20230129_Five_Views_of_Mark_16.16.pdf

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How Can I Be Saved?
Hear - Romans 10:17
Believe - Hebrews 11:6
Repent - Acts 2:38
Confess - Romans 10:9
Be Baptized - 1 Peter 3:21
Live Faithfully - Revelation 2:10

We Would Love to Study!
We see it as our purpose to teach others the good news of Jesus Christ. Please contact us if you would like to study the Bible together or would like more information about our congregation.