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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
07/14/19 Jesus as our Mediator Neil Tremblett N/A Sunday AM nt071419a.mp3
07/07/19 Your Value Nick Hall N/A Sunday PM nh070719b.mp3
07/07/19 Are We a Torch or a Stick Nick Paden N/A Sunday AM np070719a.mp3
06/30/19 Living Honestly Neil Tremblett N/A Sunday AM nt063019a.mp3
06/23/19 A Peculiar People David Couse N/A Sunday PM dc062319b.mp3
06/23/19 Daniel's Choices Neil Tremblett N/A Sunday AM nt062319a.mp3
06/16/19 Sins of Sodom Neil Tremblett N/A Sunday PM nt061619b.mp3
06/16/19 When Bad Things Happen to Good People Neil Tremblett N/A Sunday AM nt061619a.mp3
06/09/19 God Will Always be the Same Neil Tremblett N/A Sunday PM nt060919b.mp3
06/09/19 Dying Lamps Neil Tremblett N/A Sunday AM nt060919a.mp3
06/02/19 What Will You Do With Jesus Neil Tremblett N/A Sunday PM nt060219b.mp3
06/02/19 Jesus as the Light of the World Neil Tremblett N/A Sunday AM nt060219a.mp3
05/26/19 Things That Help Our Confidence Scott Shaffer N/A Sunday AM ss052619b.mp3
05/26/19 Jesus an Example of Obedience Neil Tremblett N/A Sunday AM nt052619a.mp3
05/19/19 Preach the Gospel Neil Tremblett N/A Sunday PM nt051919b.mp3
05/19/19 Jesus' Example Of Strength Neil Tremblett N/A Sunday AM nt051919a.mp3
05/12/19 Continue In The Gospel Neil Tremblett N/A Sunday PM nt051219b.mp3
05/12/19 Jesus As A Servant Neil Tremblett N/A Sunday AM nt051219a.mp3
05/05/19 Suffering For The Gospel Neil Tremblett N/A Sunday PM nt050519b.mp3
05/05/19 Jesus As A Teacher Neil Tremblett N/A Sunday AM nt050519a.mp3
04/28/19 Dare To Stand Like Joshua Greg King N/A Sunday AM gk042819b.mp3
04/28/19 Gods Memorial - The Lord's Supper Neil Tremblett N/A Sunday AM nt042819a.mp3
04/21/19 Guard The Gospel Neil Tremblett N/A Sunday PM nt042119b.mp3
04/21/19 The Family Of God Neil Tremblett N/A Sunday AM nt042119a.mp3
04/14/19 The Young Evangelist, Timothy Neil Tremblett N/A Sunday AM nt041419b.mp3

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How Can I Be Saved?
Hear - Romans 10:17
Believe - Hebrews 11:6
Repent - Acts 2:38
Confess - Romans 10:9
Be Baptized - 1 Peter 3:21
Live Faithfully - Revelation 2:10

We Would Love to Study!
We see it as our purpose to teach others the good news of Jesus Christ. Please contact us if you would like to study the Bible together or would like more information about our congregation.