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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
04/14/19 Our Salvation Is Near Neil Tremblett N/A Sunday AM nt041419a.mp3
04/07/19 The Failure Of Uzziah Neil Tremblett N/A Sunday PM nt040719b.mp3
04/07/19 Jesus As A Young Person Neil Tremblett N/A Sunday AM nt040719a.mp3
03/31/19 What Shall We Do Neil Tremblett N/A Sunday AM nt033119a.mp3
03/24/19 Live For Jesus Ted Bleicher N/A Sunday PM tb032419b.mp3
03/24/19 He Turned It To Joy Neil Tremblett N/A Sunday AM nt032419a.mp3
03/22/19 A Heavenward Perspective Dan Petty N/A Friday dp032219.mp3
03/22/19 Winning the Batle With the Flesh Dan Petty N/A Thursday dp032119.mp3
03/20/19 What Makes a Marriage Dan Petty N/A Wednesday dp032019.mp3
03/19/19 The Pursuit of Happiness Dan Petty N/A Tuesday dp031919.mp3
03/18/19 The Lesson Of Self-Denial Dan Petty N/A Monday dp031819.mp3
03/17/19 Answering The Call of Duty Dan Petty N/A Sunday PM dp031719c.mp3
03/17/19 To The Glory of God Dan Petty N/A Sunday AM dp031719b.mp3
03/17/19 All The People - A Spiritual Restoration Dan Petty N/A Sunday class dp031719a.mp3
03/10/19 Portraits: Demas, Mark, Luke Neil Tremblett N/A Sunday PM nt031019b.mp3
03/10/19 Being Humble And Serving Neil Tremblett N/A Sunday AM nt031019a.mp3
03/03/19 Spreading And Sowing The Seed Neil Tremblett N/A Sunday PM nt030319b.mp3
03/03/19 Jesus the Messiah Neil Tremblett N/A Sunday AM nt030319a.mp3
02/24/19 The Sermon On The Mount Neil Tremblett N/A Sunday AM np022419b.mp3
02/24/19 What is Marriage Neil Tremblett N/A Sunday AM nt022419a.mp3
02/17/19 First Corinthians 15 Neil Tremblett N/A Sunday PM nt021719b.mp3
02/17/19 Will We Know Them In Heaven Neil Tremblett N/A Sunday AM nt021719a.mp3
02/10/19 The Subject of Christ Ted Bleicher N/A Sunday PM tb021019b.mp3
02/10/19 For If You Remain Silent Nick Paden N/A Sunday AM np021019a.mp3
02/03/19 The Biblical View of Abortion Neil Tremblett N/A Sunday PM nt020319b.mp3

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How Can I Be Saved?
Hear - Romans 10:17
Believe - Hebrews 11:6
Repent - Acts 2:38
Confess - Romans 10:9
Be Baptized - 1 Peter 3:21
Live Faithfully - Revelation 2:10

We Would Love to Study!
We see it as our purpose to teach others the good news of Jesus Christ. Please contact us if you would like to study the Bible together or would like more information about our congregation.